
Insaniyat N°72-73| 2016 |Les personnes âgées entre les deux rives de la Méditerranée: quels devenirs ?|p. 138-140|

Badra Moutassem-Mimouni: Family and seniors confronting H’ouana in mutation

This article discusses the concept of “h'ouana”, which implicates “living together” for a family in a community that shares everything: home, cooking and raising children. The text examines the future of family’s organization in Algeria and the approach according to which the place of the seniors in this organization evolves. What remains from the h’ouana of old times? My enquiry started from observing two large families (supplemented by other families): what makes daughters-in-law and sons flee familial home? Why is h’ouana often seen as a trap, a space of conflict and a cause of divorce? Would young couples be the only ones to be intolerant to the closeness and / or promiscuity exacted by the h’ouana? A typology of daughters-in-law and mothers-in-law helps determine what is going on in the family scene in terms of expectations, representations and mutations in family relationships.

Keywords: family (ayla) - big family (h'ouana) - conflicts - mothers-in-law -daughters-in-law - typology - Algeria.


Tassadit YACINE: At the intersection of experiences: illusions, migration and depression of aged women in Paris suburbs

The main idea consisted in studying trajectories of elderly women (in the suburbs of Paris), originated from what we can refer to as “traditional immigration” and the conditions in which their relationships with their own offspring were mingled. Stuck to two distinct Worlds and distinguished in culture, because language proves not the only hindrance which intervenes between generations, aged women have to confront the changing concept of thought regarding elderly people, and specially towards aged women. How do these women live their time, how do those around them treat them, what is the place of fathers (see grandfathers)? These are some of the questions discussed in this article.

Keywords: aged women - immigration - emigration - social relationships - anthropology of the family.


Balladine VIALLE: First grandmothers of Amazigh migratory experience in Ariège, France

This article aims to study the situation of grandmothers in a small Berber community in Ariège, France. Migrant grandmothers were heavily marginalized; few or no studies granted them anyhow interest. Our study, through close observations, on the intimate space (in everyday life as in periods of feasts) shows the central place these grandmothers monopolize in family relationships, pillars of the home in which the offspring meet, but also, in instants of celebrations, in rituals of passage in particular. When old enough, they had to learn to reinvent, adapt the rituals imprinting the life of the community, make births, weddings and mourning ceremonies, meeting spaces, in which migrant families tighten and reinforce their attachments. In the fields of cult or custom, they are those who endeavored to interpret and transmit to the youth generations the gestures and words that perform the rituals.

Keywords: old age - migration - women - transmission - memory.


Halima BELHANDOUZ: Some causes and effects of "twofold absence" of the third age Algerian immigration in France. The conversion of Sheikh (the Guide) to Chibani (the Old man)

This contribution aims at investigating the effects of the “twofold absence” revealed in A. Sayad’s works on intergenerational sociability, and more particularly on its impact on the traditional figures of fathers. The phenomenon is, in particular, the product of "over-institutionalization" of state’s educational bodies, including school, on the denial of family raising, discredited by all in the perpetuation of colonial legacy and French republican assimilationist paradigm. It remains within this hierarchical framework, between state formal culture and implicit family culture, whence the relationships between parents and children will be analyzed, and even more significantly between fathers and sons, which led to the mutation of the figure of the father, of Sheikh by his traditional and eminently socio-educational function in Chibani, or “old man”, mute and disaffiliated.

Keywords: socio-anthropology - Third age of immigration - Sheikh - Chibani - memory disruption - individualism / autonomy.


Khadidja KEBDANI: Old age in Algeria – socio-cultural approach

Old age is a biological phenomenon, which constitutes one of the stages of the development of the individual from birth to death; a psychological phenomenon which proceeds from physiological changes; a social phenomenon essentially related to the attitude of the circle of acquaintances with respect to it. What are the representations and the real-life experience of the elderly person and how he/ she is seen by the circle of acquaintances? To answer this questioning, we chose the life-story technique with elderly and a group of young people of both sexes. The objective of this study consists, thus, in better understanding reality and real-life experience of this age group, because aging is not only a natural process of individual development, it is also a socio-cultural process which requires from the environment, starting from the family, the deserved consideration.

Keywords: old age - representations - family - socialization - society.


Mostefa MIMOUNI: Retirees: retirement or withdrawal, rest or loneliness? Inquiry near teachers in Mostaganem

The aim of this article consists approaching the notion of retirement in the context of Algeria. Retirement is a relatively recent concept in Algeria compared to unemployment of Indigenous people during the colonial period. This situation was keenly depicted by P. Bourdieu and collaborators. Our work sought to shed light on the National Education and University teachers. This is a qualitative study based primarily on interviews. Retirees do not constitute a monolithic block, and their situation is moderate following their life trajectory, depending on the choices they performed. The main results show that retirement is not withdrawal, it remains productive and open as possible. Retirement is not a professional abandonment since the majority of retirees do lucrative or benevolent activity projects.

Keywords: retirement - teachers - abandonment - project - Mostaganem.


Mansouria BOUHALA: Grandparents between children and grandchildren and institution: what place?

Grandparents assume a lot of roles and functions within the family. Our goal in this article is to know better their integration in the family, their places as well as their support. What are their roles with grandchildren? Are they satisfied with the place they occupy within the family? To answer these questions, we used the case study based on interviews with grandparents who live with family, their children and grandchildren. Then, to better understand their place in the family, we compared these grandparents with other cases living in a home for elderly people, away from their children and grandchildren. We also interviewed a group of students on the role of grandparents in their lives. Apart from the cases taken in the Center for the elderly, results show a great attachment to grandparents, but this does not exclude the existence of conflicts.

Keywords: grand-parents - old age - role - place - lived - representation.

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